AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!\
UPDATE 3/31/23: Celebrating and living the American Dream is not a guaranteed feel-good, happy-ending Hollywood movie. It is the privilege of living a free life of one’s own choosing, a brilliant idea unrivaled in human history. Ironically, being grounded in objective reality, fully aware of bad ideas and the bad individuals who promote them is necessary to preserve and enjoy the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness we crave.
UPDATE 3/28/23: We are in trouble when only 38% of Americans think patriotism and love of country matter. That is down from 70% a quarter century ago. Obama’s “transformation” seems to be well underway.
UPDATE 3/31/23: The Deep State has made its move and indicted Trump. Should we be surprised when his very presence on the political scene from the start has drawn out and exposed this long-range war on America declared from within? All the more reason he should be re-elected and slay this dragon he has aroused on behalf of Americans who take life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness seriously. Who better to slow the threat that has always been there and will remain a cancer in our body politic long after he’s gone?
UPDATE 3/28/23: Despite every effort to stop/destroy him, Trump continues to surge past De Santis because the public wants an unowned man of action who’ll stop at nothing short of the positive results he promises.
UPDATE 3/31/23: To his credit and doubtless for his own self-preservation somewhere down the line, De Santis isn’t cooperating with the lawless, banana republic forces behind Trump’s indictment.
UPDATE 3/27/23: It’s disturbing and getting harder to deny that establishment Republicans, focused entirely on stopping Trump rather than promoting undiluted conservative policy, are behind the De Santis campaign. And why did De Santis agree to be interviewed by Piers Morgan but not Megyn Kelly? Is the buzz about a lagging De Santis accurate? 2024 will be here soon enough to provide the answer. The big question is whether he runs at all and instead wisely carries on as a star governor until 2028. At that point there will be no Trump to run against and his national stature firmly established. Conservatives will then have to decide whether he, like Trump, is running as his own man or as just another puppet created to return the GOP to its dreary UniParty ways.
UPDATE 3/28/23: There are those for whom lockdowns and dictatorial mandates will always be the good old days to be relived again and again. One can only liken these sad sacks to those terrified Japanese warriors hiding out in the bush long after the fighting has ended or the freed inmate who refuses to leave the prison. As with much of the madness free-floating about these days, the rest of us are expected to suffer likewise with them. After all, misery-loves-company is the essence of collectivism.
Bond Street? Rodeo Drive? The Champs-Elysee? Easter Sunday on the Avenue…Fifth Avenue? Well accessorized Covid Chic!
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 3/31/23: A glimmer of light has broken through with the release of the most famous “insurrectionist” now revealed to be guilty of virtually nothing criminal like most of those being hounded by the J6 inquisitors, Sooner or later, it must be made officially clear that the Buffalo Horn man and the others illegally robbed of their American rights have only been convenient small fry substitutes for the Big Game: Donald Trump and the whole MAGA movement.
UPDATE 3/27/23: Comparing January 6 to the Civil War is analogous to a quickly extinguished kitchen stove fire and an entire city burned to the ground. One lasted 6 hours with minimal property damage and ended 2 lives; the other raged 4 years, laid waste to a whole quadrant of the nation and killed more than 600,000. Those making that wildly hyperbolic comparison have used the incident to form one more hostile front in Obama’s Woke/Progressive Civil War promising “transformation.” This lie coming from the political Left and its Trump-hating collaborators is the real insurrection, an ongoing war on America and its fundamental founding principles.
UPDATE 3/28/23: We ignore China’s rapidly growing influence in South America at our own risk. Within and without, the ChiComs mean no good for America and the rest of a sleeping world. And the alliance with Russia presents us now with a new Axis of Evil.
UPDATE 3/31/23: A visit to the doctor’s office this week became a contact high upon seeing the sign “Masks Optional” on the entry door. Isn’t it past time we call curtains to the whole hideous scam?
UPDATE 3/31/23: When, not if, Covid Madness is merely a nightmarish relic of the past, the heroism of Dr. Scott Atlas will prevail as a towering model of principled courage facing down evil.
UPDATES 3/29/23: As originally stated on this post, the history and future of HCQ run perfectly parallel to the history and future of freedom. Its overwhelming benefits suffering fanatic suppression is a model for all political tyranny crushing healthy life. Never Trump, Never HCQ, Never Over, meaning permanent Covid fear.
We all learned: if Trump recommends it, it must be banned. Reputed poison by association.
UPDATE 3/28/23: Who ya gonna believe? NPR or your lyin’ eyes when it comes to saying men in sports are/aren’t physically stronger than women? Naturally, NPR has opted to go the full absurd route and declare there’s “limited scientific evidence” as displayed in athletic competition. Sure. Yeah. Ok.
UPDATE 3/28/23: So now we have a biological woman who wanted to be a man making a name for herself by shooting up a church school and killing 6 in Tennessee. Will we be hearing about the mental illness of gender dysphoria? Or, as usual, how awful guns are and that it’s all Republicans’ fault? Will this be classified as a hate crime against Christians? Is “crazy” too harsh a word for her? Or should we focus on the really important issue of pronouns and respectfully say “him” or “them?” Is there even a glimmer of a chance we’ll hear about the necessity for innocent people to defend themselves against the evil and mentally ill?
Will we hear that this killing closely coincides with a planned“TRANS DAY OF VENGEANCE?” Read all about it here because it will be one of those news items that mysteriously disappear or fail to appear at all in the MSM. Or, on the contrary, the press will join in loudly applauding the shooter’s’ disgruntled Trans peers getting off on fantasies of Getting Even despite the horrific insanity in Nashville. The killer’s manifesto remains unreleased lest it reflect badly on the transgender propaganda madness that clearly played a major part in the killer’s derangement.
Trans genocide? Paranoid projection on steroids. Look at those faces. One needn’t be a shrink to identify insanity staring out at you.
P.S. The “Day Of Vengeance” has been canceled, but not, of course, for rational reasons. Amazingly, the organizers claim THEIR lives are in danger in the wake of the Nashville shooting. Funny that, considering one of their own mentally fractured cult just slaughtered 6 innocents, presumably in self-defense! And why not? If Jane Fonda and lesser-known rabble publicly applaud violence in service to their noble causes, what’s your beef? True madness freely runs amok in our culture.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 4/1/23: Further insights into the Ukrainian war from distinguished Jewish Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky and from the archives detailing the country’s long, bloody plague of antisemitism.
Despite having a Jewish President, it’s not just history.
UPDATE 3/29/23: How crazy will it get? Is there a limit to this insanity? Why should anyone trust the government? We are living in an age of ABSURDITY piled upon ABSURDITY as any perceptive examination of our times makes obvious. This can also be diagnosed as normalized mendacity aka Lie+Lie+Lie ad infinitum= Big Lie. In the words of the commentator below, we live in “an extremely, socially/politically, perverse period of history.”
For the latest in socio-political perversity, see today’s GUN CONTROL post regarding “Trans genocide.”
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 3/27/23: The routing at the polls of Rutte’s tyrannical crackdown on Dutch farmers is a victory for all societies threatened with the tyranny of the Woke/Climate Change/Permanent Race War cabal.
UPDATE 3/29/23: “Those who claim to be the sole designers of our future will rob us of all our rights to that future and in that future. If we let them get away with this, their victory will be final and there will be no return.” A new book entitled The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism.
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 3/28/23: The wildly overpriced EVs that chug along quietly at a breakneck 46 mph and self-destruct at the first speed bump are very possibly going the way of the dodo and the Yugo, those overpraised motorized tin cans of yore. Sorry. Elon. Refocus your fab free market entrepreneurial talents on some other, more worthwhile cash cow.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
Cultural “inappropriation” that will never happen.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
UPDATE 3/27/23: Martin Luther King’s dream of a color-blind society is not profitable to the Woke and the last thing today’s race hucksters want. Where are the big shakedown bucks and opportunities for mass control in peace and social harmony?
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic UniParty Majority
UPDATE 3/30/23: Horrible/Terrible/The Worst news for those cheering on “Palestine:” Israel is now rated the fourth happiest place on earth to call home. That’s what an orderly society based on free human endeavor underpinned by a few good laws will get you.
UPDATE 3/27/23: Do those carrying water for “Palestine!” and the Two State Solution” really know that they’re advocating a new Holocaust? Is not the stated “Palestinian” goal going back to Arafat the extermination of the Jewish State, pushing Israel into the sea? As Hitler’s most accomplished successor said, it will take time, and only fools believe the “Palestinian” goals have changed in any way.
Meanwhile, Israel and Jewry in general foolishly live by the adage “Divide yourselves and be conquered.” To their own suicidal detriment, dumb American Jews embracing Progressive causes have equally obtuse company worldwide.
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 3/30/23: We continue to be enveloped in a poisonous fog of lies that literally stopped the world for more than two years and cursed us with the alternate reality of BrandonWorld. The origins of this Big/HUUUGE/MONSTROUS Lie is a long read, but the consequences of it all will go on much, much longer.
UPDATE 3/31/23: Stalin’s heirs live.
UPDATE 3/30/23: Controlling the internet and its unparalleled free flow of information has to be the ultimate wet dream of today’s top tyrants from the start. Trudeau’s plan for policing “Canadian content” (CanCon) online is that totalitarian fantasy come true.
UPDATE 3/28/23: Any who do NOT think our Potemkin POTUS is either a top-tier creep prone to totally inappropriate behavior and/or clinically demented after watching this should themselves seek serious professional help, either psychiatric or pastoral. That takes in the shocking percentage of American adults who voted and would vote again for this barely evolved life form.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”