AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 12/16/22: The spirit of Christmas and Chanukah meld happily with the American spirit at this time of year. We Americans are particularly fortunate to have enjoyed the lives we have and rejoice quite naturally in all things good and true.
UPDATE 12/15/22: Elon Musk has burst forth as an American hero with the Twitter revelations and the major corrections that can result from newly freed speech, a free press. Will those on the moderate Left begrudgingly admit the dangers of their beloved Woke corporate culture? Do they know they too can be swallowed whole by the monster they have helped bring into being?

UPDATE 12/17/22: The luminous Ayaan Hirsi Ali opines that Don should make way for Ron. Those millions of us observing and hoping will be satisfied with ANY shift back to those policies which genuinely benefit ALL Americans (despite nearly half the electorate remaining stubbornly in denial of that).
UPDATE 12/16/22: The advent of a social credit system a la totalitarian China is not that far off in America and the rest of the “free” world. Jordan Peterson comments that even Kafka’s faceless, bloodless bureaucrats were still people possibly capable of empathy while the new police are computers, robots, machines tracking your every move and breath…and passing judgment unhindered by any latent humanity.

UPDATE 12 /16/22: “In an age when information has never been more easily accessible, the world is awash in lies.” Are 8 billion people willing and able to sift out the good and true from the information tidal wave without drowning?
UPDATE 12/15/22: The roots of social calamity were already apparent and festering in Germany long before Adolf came on the scene in the 1930s. One can only hope that the release of the Twitter Files makes it impossible for the general public to deny the full extent of how far the Deep State/Corporate axis of evil has moved us toward a Chinese-modeled UniParty regime. Musk knows this and has declared out loud that either we face down Woke or succumb to an American version of the ChiCom living death.
UPDATE 12/12/22: An article entitled “Where’s The Outrage?” could be the flashing neon headline above a definitive account of American politics since 2020. The particular outrage cited refers to the New Twitter revelations of State-sponsored censorship released by Elon Musk. But it could refer to virtually everything inflicted on America by BrandonWorld since the coup overthrowing Trump that began in 2015. Are justice and sanity to be restored or is this just one more loud news cycle doomed to silence by tomorrow?
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
UPDATE 12/14/22: If anyone will fight back against the corrupted election process and not give up, it’s Kari Lake. And she’s making headway in the courts which certainly beats fighting in the streets. No wonder they hate her as they hate Trump’s never-say-die attitude. They are both fighting a pervasive corruption and irrationality in government and the culture once considered unimaginable in America. We have always had faith in the checks and balances put in place by the Founders for perilous episodes such as these. Who would think those safeguards would be taxed to the critical limits they are now?
UPDATE 12/13/22: Using projection of their own criminality as cover, the DC establishment in collusion with globalists are staging their own Insurrection, quietly, slowly, insidiously. We are living through the unthinkable.
UPDATE 12/10/22: There is a movement long-awaited by millions for justice regarding Election 2020 (not to mention a lot of other injustices running rampant since then). With Twitter now in responsible, freedom-loving hands and open to exposure of its serial misdeeds, revelations of collusion between social media and the DC establishment are emerging daily. A case now before the Supreme Court has the potential to overturn the 2020 election, punish culprits on multiple levels and restore the Presidency to the man who really won it. A major long shot, probably unlikely, but should it succeed, the reaction from the transgressing side would be…um…er…unpleasant. And too miraculous for words.
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 12/13/22: The best hope regarding the ugly J6 tyrants is that they are stripped bare and disempowered by the revelations of a re-emerging free media. Hope against hope, a Republican Congress will not allow the witch hunt and brutal political incarceration to continue.
UPDATE 12/14/22: China is America’s worst enemy, the most powerful threat to global stability. Taiwan’s continuing independence is the pivotal test. Who’s going to blink?
UPDATE 12/12/22: Watch/read this interview with a Chinese activist now living in America, once on the ChiCom’s 10 Most Wanted List 33 years ago after the Tiananmen Square massacre. That was the beginning of a genocidal trajectory (enabled by the shockingly cooperative GHW Bush administration) leading to today’s Zero Covid tyranny that the ChiComs dare not/cannot stop, current protests notwithstanding. The RINO establishment’s concerted, desperate will to STOP TRUMP becomes clearer when considering their long, symbiotic accommodation to China and Trump’s decisive shift away from that suicidal path.
UPDATE 12/14/22: The weak-willed who still insist the whole vax/mask/lockdown was a good thing in “saving lives” will never admit to being played for fools. The cure was infinitely more damaging than the disease and will impact millions, perhaps billions for years. One Left-leaning acquaintance responds to that painful reality, kicking any self-awareness down the road by saying detachedly, “We won’t know that for 30 years.” Alas, those financially ruined, the young and old suffering permanent psychological damage, drug addiction, suicide and prematurely dropping dead in record numbers from heart attacks don’t have the luxury of waiting decades to pretend no major crime was committed.
UPDATE 12/11/22: Regarding revelations on Twitter’s active suppression of dissenting Covid medical professionals, a heartening announcement from Elon: “It is coming bigtime.”
UPDATE 12/16/22: The military has been legally forced to dispense with vaccine mandates…reluctantly. How painful for Big Brother to lose those “compassionate” controls.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 12/15/22: Need we explain why Mrs. Zelensky doing a 40,000 Euro shopping spree in Paris is not a good look? You know, the wife of the t-shirted, sleep-deprived, heroic young stand-up- comic-turned-freedom fighter, sweating it out in hiding from Putin’s agents while raking in yet more billions from the U.S. and the EU.
UPDATE 12/16/22: Excuse us for asking, but how did a clear-cut lunatic like Sam Brinton (or any of these PC types hired like Levine) get even minimal security clearance for sensitive government positions? Without knowing a specific answer, the answer is already worrisome. (Spoiler alert: the world’s gone bats.)
UPDATE 12/15/22: Where else but Wonderland could the Cambridge Dictionary feel compelled to redefine and qualify and kinda sorta hedge around those terribly ambiguous terms “man” and “woman?”
UPDATE 12/11/22: Turns out, They/Them Sam is the Trans Fauxcahontas! According to a nosey activist looking into HIS distinguished Trans past, HE made up his story about “conversion torture” from HIS father and an abusive conversion specialist who probably never existed. Alas, poor Sam. We know ye too well. Not the victim we were led to believe. Just a garden-variety weirdo, making up and parlaying perversion into a plum, privileged place in the Wokedom establishment. Funny what gets you ahead in some dark/dank/dirty spots like the present DC administration.
Just the right shade of nausea-inducing, sickly pink.
Speaking of sickly colors, the White House has gone neon rainbow which, like everything Woke, implies something so “inclusive,” open-minded, a festival of “diversity.” In fact, it’s spitting in the face of most people’s natural reticence about their most personal matters. Do what you like, but don’t expect the whole world to applaud and even demand everyone else get in on the act. Aside from celebrating offensive, deliberately provocative behavior, this politicized hyper-sexualization is, in practice, exclusion and outright cancellation of anyone and anything not toeing the monolithic Leftist line. Normalize and forcibly exhibit the unnatural, and you’re a political operative well on the way to destroying a society.
Sam Brinton was busy stealing women’s clothes, but pedophile Marti Cummings (see Tweet below) was available and invited for Biden’s Trans Day celebration (“Respect For Marriage”) at 1600.
UPDATE 12/14/22: For an America turned upside down, we have to thank the accommodating “liberal-minded,” easily sold on suicide by conmen wolves wrapped in “compassionate,” “progressive” sheep’s wool.
UPDATE 12/13/22: The poison running rampant through our American body politic in reaction to Trump & MAGA, is one huge story of gaslighting. In a nutshell, metastatic evil and lies that calls itself truth and goodness.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 12/15/22: Belgium is joining the Green Kool-Aid brigade determined to turn energy-deprived Europe into one big Jonestown landscape of starved, frozen bodies. Some Americans look upon Europe’s headlong rush into Climate Change perdition with awe and envy. Let’s hope the majority are awake enough to see it as a dire warning.
Now the average European can freeze and starve in style just like all those illegal immigrants.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
UPDATE 12/15/22: The most dangerous, most powerful enemies of free market capitalism and the wide-ranging freedom it underpins are Crony Capitalists: rapacious, greedy tyrants passing themselves off as Woke, Progressive Do-Gooders.
UPDATE 12/11/22: What was once an alliance, a fruitful blending of rich, mutually appreciative Black & Jewish cultures (as given vibrant life in popular songs and the musical theatre of the early to mid 20th century) has become enmity thanks to blind, guilt-driven modern “liberalism.” One more example of how everything the Left touches, it ruins.
Resentment has long run high that Jews advanced at lightning speed and then, looking back guiltily at those lagging behind, became not champions of individual achievement as conservatism celebrates but patronizing liberals throwing money and useless sympathy at an Identity Group, not specific, worthy individuals. This is the evil essence and the corruption at the heart of Identity Politics that Obama gleefully injected into what was supposed to be a “post-racial” society. Americans were duped into believing he would be The One to solidify a unity that was already well formed and advancing rapidly. On the contrary, he was The One chosen to undo the amazing progress of post-Civil Rights America, aided and abetted by all those Democrat celebs (Black and White) jumping on his bandwagon.
When Blacks were Republicans (like Martin Luther King and Booker T. Washington before him), they were making genuine progress. Then, as [Black writer] Walter Williams lamented, the Dems declared the War On Poverty, effectively buying gullible Black Americans as a voting bloc away from the conservative/Republican principles of Lincoln’s Party.
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
UPDATE 12/15/22: Remember Slow Joe has got a lot more important things to do than stop the illegal migrant tsunami on the southern border. For instance, he needs to try out all the new flavors of ice cream when Dr. Jill lets him loose in the malt shoppe.
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 12/15/22: Lying has become a systemic plague infusing the entire MSM narrative in place since the establishment abruptly Woke up to the threatening presence of Donald Trump in 2016. While “good ends don’t justify bad means” has been standard ethics, things have now “transformed” to such an extent that the most wicked ends imaginable can be sold to the gullible only by “good means.” Unfortunately, “good means” (“saving the planet,” “anti-racism,” “anti-fascism,” “diversity training”…) are just Trojan Horse Rainbow lies facilitating the most diabolical of Big Plans.
UPDATE 12/15/22: We’re warned by a desperately mendacious Brandon administration how “dangerous” and “irrational” the sudden move toward free speech on social media and elsewhere is. In fact, danger and irrationality rages at epidemic levels in BrandonWorld, the most dangerous Presidency surpassing even Carter and Obama in damage done and forthcoming to America as a free country.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE 12/16/22: About that flow of funds to the Wuhan lab from the NIH for gain-of-function research…
UPDATE 12/15/22: Biden’s hapless mouthpiece Jean-Pierre warns us how “dangerous” exposing Fauci would be, but she neglects to specify “dangerous to Fauci” and his destructive, daily onslaught of lies over two years that saved no one and ruined millions of lives and businesses.
UPDATE 12/11/22: Fauci’s deposition, as full of memory lapses and holes as Swiss cheese, brings us closer to finding out the whole truth of this nefarious character’s involvement in the Covid outrage. His part in this horror story is, as long expected, two-fold: there are first-hand witnesses now accounting for his direct part in originating the virus in China; and the entire world already knows too well his playing the role of the benign doctor from Washington sent to shut down the world in the name of protecting us from that very same virus. What a coincidence. Rhymes with “Munchausen.” Make the patients (the whole world) sick, then clean up treating them for it.
UPDATE 12/16/22: The only reason two spoiled Tinsel Town phonies like Meghan & Harry matter is their over-publicized Woke war of lies on the British monarchy and the healthy, stabilizing traditions of Western Civilization it represents.
UPDATE 12/12/22: Like falling dominos, the Twitter Files suddenly exposes villainy on multiple allied fronts. That now includes the vile Michelle-Antoinette herself who decreed that her worst, most formidable political foe should be silenced on Twitter. She is simply the most prominent of that self-anointed Elite class who consider themselves royalty and the rest of us lowly peasants. This is the Transformation they promised: an America of the special few contemptuously lording absolute power over the faceless masses.