AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing
UPDATE 10/8/22: We have to count ourselves fortunate to have not one but two vetted conservatives to bring back what at least 80 million people think of as America. When they run against one another in the primary stage, pray that it only sharpens each and deepens their commitment to the stated principles and policies. If they run together, we are giving the future our best shot.
10/7/22: Standing behind the Presidential seal. Something to look forward to.
UPDATE 10/3/22: De Santis’ calm, clear approach to handling crises like mass shootings and natural disasters is proving to be very upsetting to the incompetents and shameless powermongers on the Left. Despite a fulltime disinformation (slandering) campaign now in place, normal people are going to notice the vast difference in outcomes between a De Santis approach and that of anyone the Dem Party has to offer.
UPDATE 10/4/22: Trump is taking the assault on himself (and us) and his private property (and ours) to the Supreme Court.
In his words, he will “also be commencing actions against other media outlets who have defamed me and defrauded the public regarding the overwhelming evidence of fraud throughout the 2020 Election…”
THEY hate him (and us) enough to deny him (and us) the formerly guaranteed right of being deemed innocent until proven guilty and, logically, the right to a fair trial. The Mar-A-Lago raid lays bare the essential mass psychosis gripping nearly half the people in this country. If this state of affairs is allowed to stand without the recourse of fair trials and honest elections, America is gone. Once the standard for what was possible in supreme human achievement, America has become the model of Woke cultural bankruptcy. One HAS to believe this will turn around, but with things having been allowed to deteriorate this far, the outlook is not rosy. Do we have to go right to the precipice before people come out of their collective coma?
UPDATE 10/3/22: Forget about mob rule. A whole team of female volleyball players are banned from their locker room based on the complaint of ONE tranny. The holy mask, the visible symbol of Covid’s coercive power, is now deemed the leverage by which ONE mask-loving student at Amherst College can force everyone else in class to wear the infernal thing. If easily cowed Lib parents and alumni don’t withhold tuition or withdraw their brats, we’re looking at the terminal stages of a dying college, a microcosm of a dying society.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
UPDATE 10/8/22: The Delaware Supreme Court has ruled mail-in voting and same day registration unconstitutional. How odd that Biden’s home turf, of all states, is one of the first to make such a decisive return to election integrity.
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 10/8/22: As the Empty Head Commander-in-Chief talks nuclear war, his Woke Secretary of Defense is hard at work erasing American history by renaming military bases named after notable Civil War figures like Hood and Bragg. Criminalizing the singing of “Dixie” and “Bonnie Blue Flag” can’t be far behind.
UPDATE 10/3/22: Arizona’s adoption of universal access to school choice is the worst nightmare of the Big Ed Cosa Nostra. Teachers Unions have made it clear they and only they deserve every cent of those billion$ in federal funding, not independent charter schools. Nor should any teacher be allowed to breathe, let alone work outside their control. Uppity parents demanding authority over their children’s education will cost them money and must be discredited as traitors and terrorists.
UPDATE 10/4/22: We are fools to ignore the overriding Chinese determination to control the world. And, unlike the bombastic, violent Putin way, they are doing it quietly, slowly and insidiously, buying up land everywhere, entwining themselves economically and insinuating themselves physically into the midst of every continent. These are enemies who never sleep. Heads up!
UPDATE 10/8/22: After the horrendous Covid detour, we have to get back to the whole question of medical cost reform. The fight is the fundamental one of all business: nationalized BigGov vs free market forces. If concrete results trump useless ideology, rational voters will choose the latter.
UPDATE 10/6/22: It’s always a good time to revisit the Great Barrington Declaration in preparation for the next major assault in the war on science, medicine, freedom and truth itself.
UPDATE 10/2/22: Sweden provided the world with a matchless gift of being THE test case that refrained from the draconian lockdowns that destroyed millions of businesses and lives. Putting people’s basic rights above politics and half-baked, politicized medical theories, Sweden came out as well or better than the rest of the world. Any lights going on in all those befuddled “expert” brains out there?
UPDATE 10/8/22: The unchallenged quarantining of the “Unvaccinated” sticks in the craw and should remain a permanent warning to those prone to exploit and be exploited by “medical crises.” If this round had been allowed to last longer, we would have seen internment camps springing up like weeds as they were just beginning to do in such bastions of liberty as Australia. Note the photo below for one example of the Down Under taste for police state treatment of harmless dissidents.
UPDATE 10/3/22: One can’t downplay the evil expressed by the compulsory Covid mask, especially in light of what the identical symbol of control means for Islamic women. In Iran, refusal to wear the thing and its accessories can cost you your life. In “civilized” countries like America and Australia, it only means being turned away at the door, forcibly quarantined, getting fired or perhaps a good beating by the police. Nothing to see here. So shut up and wear the damn mask. Or else.
10/2/22: What better demonstration of the empty Woke/Prog impulse than Biden’s Teleprompter touting the hurricane heroics of a Coast Guard swimmer who will be summarily fired next week for being unvaxxed! Good boy! BAAAAD boy!
10/2/22: To those who revile vax skeptics and refuseniks, one might point to the “safety study” for the newest BigPharma cash cow of 171 million doses AND its accompanying study on…wait for it…8 mice. Follow the piper…er…I mean The Science!

UPDATE 10/5/22: Life-saving drugs like Ivermectin and HCQ are politicized, slandered, even banned and criminalized while brain-altering, brain-rotting marijuana is newly legal, deemed “harmless” and subject to little or no regulation. A recent blanket pardon from the Pretend POTUS for federal violators of weed/grass-related infractions is symbolic encouragement for its use from the top. One more victory for the social wrecking crew.

SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 10/2/22: In the era known as B.B. (Before Brandon), there were negotiations and balances in the world of international politics. With Trump minding the store, Putin would never have dared do what he has done and plans to do. Install a demented zombie with a celebrated talent “to f–k things up” (as attested to by his former boss BO), and you’ve got a world teetering on the brink. More than anyone, the world can thank that indeterminate number of Americans suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome for this rather fragile state of affairs.

UPDATE 10/7/22: The gay star of the gay-themed, gay-produced and (we’re told) historically ground-breaking, brave all-gay cast and (lest we forget) gay romantic comedy about gay life at its most campy and self-indulgent blames the decidedly uninterested straight population for making his movie a major turkey/dud/box office bomb for the record books. We are supposed to believe that this towering work of art was something destined to stand alongside Jackie Robinson or Marian Anderson breaking the color barriers in their respective fields. What he seems to overlook is that those admirable figures are revered to this day NOT because they were Black but because they excelled at what they did.
The arrogant producer/star might take note that pieces like “Victor/Victoria” or “La Cage Aux Folles” are still universally loved because they have no point to make other than that genuine humor and love make the world go ’round for everyone, not just carefully targeted stereotypes. They might also keep in mind the essential wisdom of the MLK quote about being judged for what one is and does, not for being the ID Politics flavor of the week. And don’t ignore the adage repeatedly proven true in these times that the Left (and politicizing in general) ruins everything it touches.

UPDATE 10/5/22: The war is on between those powerful forces financially invested in pushing the transgender agenda and those fighting against what amounts to blatant child abuse for profit.
To their everlasting shame, the clearly politicized AMA, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the Children’s Hospital Association are pushing for serious legal “repercussions” against those doctors spreading “disinformation” that discourages practices on children (as young as 6 years old!) such as puberty blockers, hormonal drugs and sex-change surgery.
UPDATE 10/4/22: Whether the agenda is political control or just plain evil, it’s always safe to follow the money. As the headline reads of this article about pediatric gender clinics now popping up all over: HIGHLY PROFITABLE!
It will be too late for the thousands and possibly millions of victims, but this medical malpractice poison gone mainstream will be looked upon in the future with the same head-shaking disbelief as frontal lobotomies from the early twentieth century. This is a horror among a number of horrors emanating from this specific era that will have future eyes popping out of heads. That is assuming the future is populated by mostly sane individuals that you and I would recognize as human.
Hey! They’re “big moneymakers!”
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 10/8/22: Surely all those exploding wet batteries post-Ian and the very real possibility of highway escape routes littered with charred EVs mustn’t dampen those pristine Green dreams.
UPDATE 10/4/22: In those long ago days when common sense and doing what worked was the approach to problems and making progress, new-fangled things like Edison’s proposal to electrify NY was tested out on a few city blocks. Once proven to work well for that circumscribed test area, it expanded gradually and naturally to become a worldwide norm.
Today’s oxygen-starved Green brains are somehow convinced that forcing windmills and solar panels and electrified cars on the whole world as of yesterday is the way to go. It is, indeed, the fast track to hell, and the maniacs and their idiot followers pushing it will persist in calling it heaven regardless of the obvious devastation they’ve created.
UPDATE 10/4/22: Attention all you Clean Greenies, worshippers of the sun and wind gods: WHAT IF there was no more oil?
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
UPDATE 10/4/22: No informed person will deny that American Indians have had a tough time, in no small part due to their own corrupt leadership in the tried and true style of an Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson getting rich off American urban Blacks or Yasser Arafat and friends salting away billions in Switzerland via their long-running “Palestinian” scam.
However, times being what they are, the antennae of rational skeptics everywhere sprang up a few weeks back with all the renewed fuss over that famous Oscar incident a half century back of Marlon Brando sending a stereotypically costumed Indian (albeit White on her mother’s side) up to refuse his award and make a statement of safe, socially distanced political correctness on the great actor’s behalf. As Candide knew, this is the best of all possible worlds, and things only improve with time. So now 50 years later we get a whole wampum bag of forked tongued BS from Miss Sacheen LittleFeather, now suddenly morphed into an “almost” martyr at the hands of no one less than John Wayne, supposedly about to assault her on stage only to be held back by 6 security men. Or so the story has gone. This is in fact an urban legend hatched by a blustering Oscar show producer who proceeded to embellish on the “marvelous story” for years afterwards until it assumed some sort of sketchy reality.
Now in 2022, Princess Sacheen has received an official apology from the newly Woke Motion Picture Academy for her fantasized narrow escape from a pummeling by the Duke. Having momentarily regained her second and final 15 minutes of fame, this very distant cousin of Elizabeth Warren, in timely fashion only weeks later, passed on to permanent canonization in the annals of Woke.
In the process, another revered American personality has been slimed for the sake of a totally made-up tale about-what else?!-White Male Supremacy and systemic American bigotry. Even Left-leaning Snopes has to agree her suddenly revised and updated story smells like a mountain of hot, steaming buffalo chips.
UPDATE 10/2/22: Those prosperous Blacks demanding “reparations” from Whites for their enslaved ancestors might reconsider when informed that it was Black Africans selling other Blacks who were some of the earliest and biggest profiteers of that nasty enterprise.
In the light of the recent mainstream hoopla surrounding an A-list film celebrating female African warriors, one shouldn’t overlook Madam Tinubu, the woman considered to be among the most powerful African slave traders of her sex in the 19th century.
This was a formidable lady, not one to be deterred by English laws outlawing the slave trade. She simply ignored them and continued on with her profitable human trafficking before she was forced by the wicked colonialist Brits to turn her considerable money-making skills to other “commodities.” Apparently, this Black slave trader is still looked upon in a positive, even heroic light, judging by this statue in Lagos that stands today in tribute to her.
So much for the Leftist “White Patriarchy” being the sole source of the world’s woes.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
UPDATE 10/8/22: Truly brave people standing up to tyranny set the standard for virtue in this dangerous world. One such figure worth following and hearing is Masih Alinejad, the scourge of the Iranian Mullah mafia. She says the veil protests and ensuing violent crackdowns could be Iran’s Berlin Wall moment. God willing events play out that way (with no thanks to the treasonous American nuke deal with the Mullahs.)
UPDATE 10/6/22: Do those supporters of Biden’s Iranian Nuke deal really believe it’s wise giving terrorist fanatics (and their bosom buddy Putin) the run of the entire Middle East? Well, it must be safer than having Donald Trump in the White House. Right?
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
UPDATE 10/7/22: An dual attack of MVS (Martha’s Vineyard Syndrome) and NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) has hit poor, put-upon Woke NYC with the arrival of some bussed-in illegals. This has created A Real Problem, prompting stalwart Mayor Adams to declare a State of Emergency while undoubtedly feigning ignorance of his own political Party’s WOB (Wide Open Borders) policy creating this Problem. Yet another happy occasion for an acronym: BITA (Bitten In The Ass).

AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 10/2/22: Libs and far Left leaners have a way of portraying themselves as the source of all good in the world and criticizing anyone who isn’t a “socialist.” So it is with the hags of The View who recently explained to their ignorant audiences that it was “socialism” that fueled rescue efforts of hurricane victims, certainly not indifferent, selfish capitalists (while failing to make mention of their own very capitalistic 7 figure salaries). Sure, they’ve gotten rich on capitalist free enterprise and corporate profits, but they’re still just down-home “socialists” at heart. Perhaps a little education on the real results of REAL socialism vs. REAL capitalism should be the fourth R in the schooling of the young.
UPDATE 10/7/22: Considering the seriousness of the situation (Hurricane Ian devastation) and the whole job itself, this picture kinda says it all, doesn’t it?

10/4/22: For those empty shells willing to sell their souls in the name of hating & fearing Trump/MAGA, the Biden Crime Family’s brazen corruption is still “nothing to see” or perhaps “disinformation” or maybe “what everyone does.” Turning a blind eye to evil does not absolve one of guilt for it. In fact, over time, that stench will stick permanently to those allowing BrandonWorld to fester and thrive like the plague it is.
10/2/22: If The Joe & Kamala Show were a Broadway musical, it would have closed after one performance just to recoup the investment. Or, more likely to minimize damage and cost, it would’ve been shuttered immediately after the first cow town preview. Unfortunately in this form of “entertainment,” they’ll be laying an egg 8 times a week for two more years to totally papered houses. The overwhelming majority of those aware of the noise being broadcast out onto the street are simply going about their business, forced to endure the most gawd-awful singing since Florence Foster Jenkins. And waiting anxiously for a real quality production to replace this assault on their sensibilities.

CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE 10/5/22: And to think some naive types thought Norma Desmond…I mean Mrs. Bill Clinton was thinking about ANYTHING other than The Crown she was destined to wear.
No, she’s just “Biden” her time until the creepy old life form either gets the 25th Amendment boot or manages to survive in his vegetative state thru 2024. At that time, he can be neatly replaced by….oh…let’s see…who’s ready and willing to step in?