AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 8/24/22: The victory of parents over Leftist schools boards in Florida is an encouraging reassertion of the family and parental authority.
UPDATE 8/22/22: It has become evident that the war on Trump is the war on you: the intimidation and silencing of the individual living and thinking independently of a cabal of self-appointed Global Masters. The mask/vax narrative is a call to mass obedience, not health and has provided the foundation for this Great Reset now exponentially stepped-up since the illegal installation of BrandonWorld, November 2020.
For realists, fear is a rational response: BUT there is also a widespread belief that we are witnessing the forced exposure of a tyrannical claque of elitists that can no longer hide its motives or designs of transforming all of humanity into a One World nightmare under their control. This international Mafia of billionaires and totalitarian ideologues has desperately gone a step too far publicly in their reach for absolute power . One writer identifies them optimistically as a “dying establishment” while another observes elitists on a suicide trajectory, American leadership in “hellish ruins” (bright Brit Melanie Phillips) with the ever-reliable Victor Davis Hansen hailing the self-immolation of the “worst and the stupidest.”
There IS cause for hope when the evil in this world ultimately ends up being the principal party to its own destruction.
UPDATE 8/21/22: It is a fool who doesn’t fully appreciate something precious before he suffers the shock and pain of finding it gone. This is an apt description of America and the freedoms we enjoyed before the Covid plot was crashed into us like those flying 9/11 bombs. There can and must be recovery, and if a true American spirit has survived, we can never take any of this for granted again.
UPDATE 8/25/22: The latest words read off a teleprompter by The Puppet encourages the crazies (and they are legion) supporting him and his Party to view MAGA Republicans as “semi-fascists.” One can laugh it off as Sleepy Joe’s own “basket of deplorables” moment. But coming from the nominal POTUS, isn’t that an official Democratic Party call to kill or at the very least jail 80 million very dangerous Americans? Odd, but such “anti-fascist” words could have easily been uttered by Stalin or Hitler, the totalitarian’s totalitarians, the Fascist’s FASCISTS. Mass psychosis being what it is, there are tens of millions of Good Germans on the American voting rolls ready to stand by silently, even approvingly as Joe’s Storm Troopers/KGB from the FBI & DOJ set about rounding us up for liquidation or long-term lockup.
Remember Churchill’s prediction?
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
UPDATE 8/27/22: Bribing voters with student loan forgiveness is one more way to steal upcoming elections. How naive to think this just might be considered way, way out of legal bounds.
UPDATE 8/25/22: Republican candidates for high office can now look forward to permanent investigation without any particular cause. They managed to bring down Nixon/Agnew with some relatively minor scandal but no luck since until Trump when they were able to foil his re-election. Since their unrelenting hail of silver bullets starting in 2016 hasn’t worked, they’ve resorted to a dawn raid on his property looking for…um…nuclear secrets! Oh yes. THIS time, they’ll find something really indictable. If that doesn’t work, Big Tech will see that the votes THEY count do the job.
JANUARY 6/TDS-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 8/25/22: Finding the truth in her J6 farce is not the motive of the self-inflated, now- deposed Laramie Liz. There is nothing on her mind but a predetermined verdict of guilty, ideally to be followed by Capitol (sic) punishment to decapitate his political career and erase the MAGA presence from American life. So it’s hardly surprising she’s found delusional alliance with the Dem enemies of her enemy. A Republican who was REALLY effective, showing up her father and his whole disappointing generation of RINOs, must be taken out by any means necessary.
UPDATE 8/23/22: This video of newly recruited, very young jackboots for the IRS is the chilling realization of that civilian youth army promised us by Obama. (See ORIGINAL POST 3/18/18). If Trump’s Mar-A-Lago isn’t immune to noisy, violent invasion in the wee hours, why should anyone in America feel safe from their own government? Can we take another look at that Fourth Amendment about search and seizure?
UPDATE 8/24/22: The ChiComs pose enough of a threat on their own, but Beijing Biden has a long history of providing a helping hand to their global ambitions.
UPDATE 8/27/22: Until those responsible for this unprecedented crime are brought to account, we are living in a skewed world of justice denied. Living in this moral vacuum, what’s to stop them from doing it again?
UPDATE 8/25/22: The Covid Response Plague has been the most dramatic and far-reaching invasion of our lives and medical decisions recently, but BigGov/Big Brother/Master Planners have always be there when taking life-and-death decisions out of the individual’s hands. In Canada, a frightening day has arrived when old people, sick people, scared, depressed people are now being counseled to kill themselves as a first line of suggested “treatment.” Socialized (government controlled) medicine is the natural sewer where this deadly disease can thrive, and Obamanized America can’t be far behind if this corruption of science and medicine is allowed to metastasize here.
Norman Rockwell’s America is not corny; it’s about a deeply moral tradition of life prevailing over death.
UPDATE 8/27/22: Elimination of the vax mandates aren’t going away without unending full (legal) court presses. A DC judge is allowing Fed workers back, and hopefully, from all the bad PR fallout, tennis champ/vax villain Djokovic will be permitted to play at Forest Hills.
UPDATE 8/24/22: “Cause of death: unknown” is on the rise. And isn’t it interesting that the Virtuous Jabbed appear to be making up the bulk of new Covid infections? Both developments are such persuasive arguments for more boosters!
UPDATE 8/27/22: Where is the justice for those who died because our Expert class slimed and banned HCQ and Ivermectin as treatments? This is one of many criminal acts that must be addressed when we’ve awakened from this nightmare and take active steps to make the whole truth known about the Covid Response disaster.

SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 8/25/22: That DHS governance board sniffing out “disinformation” (ie, any ideas they don’t like) has mercifully gone the way of that crazy Mary Poppins woman (see May, 2022 posts) originally tapped to implement this Orwellian nightmare. Good riddance to what was something drawn directly from the playbooks of world-class mass murderers Stalin and Mao. Remind your nice Dem friends and family that killing free speech and crushing dissent is invariably just a step or two ahead of literal genocide.
UPDATE 8/27/22: One more formerly authoritative source of science and truth has succumbed. Scientific American is on record saying that Western Civ “made up” the concept of two sexes to “reinforce gender and racial divisions.” Is there any going back when the entire world seems to have gone totally mad?
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 8/27/22: Want an easy, step-by-step way to destroy freedom, innovation, prosperity worldwide? Try “The Great Reset!” already coming your way since Election, 2020.
UPDATE 8/25/22: Obama’s proposed “Civilian Army” corps is about to become a reality with the addition of 87,000 armed IRS “equity enforcers.” (See “Children of the Demmed”).
UPDATE 8/25/22: It’s a fool’s futile escape to remain blind to the truth, and there is a well-organized move underway to turn this world into a monolithic dystopia. Michael’s Matt’s video from early 2020 has proven chillingly prophetic of what the Covid charade was designed to do. The existence of an American Gestapo formerly known admiringly as the FBI and DOJ has now fully outed itself with the raid on Mar-A-Lago.
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 8/25/22: The next time Henny Penny or Prince Charles announces the sky is falling, one can very easily refer back to all those dire predictions of the past that continue to disappoint all these Chicken Littles.
UPDATE 8/21/22: At last, some serious pushback from a judge against Brandon’s freeze on gas/oil development. 13 states can now drill, baby, drill. Maybe we’re on the road back to energy independence and the beginning of the end of this intentionally suicidal course the Dems have set.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
UPDATE 8/27/22: A celebrated biblical quote (Matthew 12:25) from Abraham Lincoln during the the Civil War predicted a strategy of permanent division, a second American Civil War as implemented by Obama and ID Politics. The battlefronts vary, but the goal is always the “transformation” (ie destruction) of America as Lincoln foretold:
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
UPDATE 8/24/22: The Islamic takeover of Europe and well underway in places like Minnesota and Michigan is part of a larger collapse of Western Civ. Sweden, traditionally evoking in our imaginations fresh air, beautiful forests, gorgeous, apple-cheeked blonde people, has succumbed to this invasion and is now showing the predictably ugly signs of decline.
UPDATE 8/24/22: The determination to eliminate the famous representative of some specific idea like Rushdie or Trump is a public warning of danger to everyone. Unfortunately, too many, the present Dem administration in particular, are willfully blind to this, virtually rolling out the red carpet to the devil.
UPDATE 8/24/22: Does the following headline from an eminent political site give anyone in the Obamaic Brandon administration pause? Or are they actively collaborating with evil? Iran Prepares to Take Out Israel – Right after Iran Deal Is Signed :: Gatestone Institute
UPDATE 8/25/22: Although the main museum at Ground Zero displaying relics of That Day remains, the Tribute museum playing firsthand recorded accounts of those directly affected-victims’ family members, first responders, eye witnesses-has folded for lack of funds due to two years of lockdown bankruptcy. Like the Holocaust, people always feel so virtuous saying, “Never Forget!,” but of course, lacking full understanding of what happened and how it can easily happen again, they do forget.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
UPDATE 8/25/22: Rep. Mike Johnson questions a double-talking, gibberish-spouting Immigration Czar Mayorkas regarding the Brandon administration’s wide open border policy.
UPDATE 8/24/22: Israel an “apartheid” state? Not according to one Black South African.
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 8/27/22: As mad and bad as things are, there is the often unacknowledged presence of truth and good character that will always be the glue holding us together.
8/27/22: Hunter’s full X-rated story is coming to the silver screen, unredacted. Like so much else, this decadent product of one wildly dysfunctional American family seems destined to avoid serious judgment for himself and his corrupt clan….until the Final One.
UPDATE 8/25/22: How long can the myth of “President” Brandon last while his obvious puppet masters continue to pull his strings and cover for him?
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE 8/26/22: The little Big Brother of medicine has announced his retirement bankrolled by the largest government pension in our history. Countering this perversion of justice is a promise from responsible Republicans that he will remain very much in the public eye as Congressional committees thoroughly grill him on the monstrous scale of his poisonous legacy.
Not the least of incalculable damage done is a nearly total loss of trust in “expertise” once so highly regarded in medicine and science. “Trust the science” is now, literally, a sick punchline. Perhaps most galling about this diminutive sociopath is he will NEVER admit to his unforgiveable, heedless incompetence and the evil “the good doctor” has blithely loosed on a naive, trusting world.
UPDATE 8/27/22: Even before the student loan fiasco has become an official fiasco, the pointed fingers (and long knives) are already frantically out. No, it’s not Jill. Not Janet. It’s…ta-da!…Laughing Girl!!
UPDATE 8/22/22: Little minds put undeservedly in big places like Paul Krugman live in constant fear of exposure. That explains his contempt for the Internet and the power and voice it has offered the average Joe & Jane to think and live independently of empty poseurs like himself. In his perceptive view, the Internet was bound to flop because “people have nothing to say to each other!” (But of course HE always has SOMETHING IMPORTANT to say!)
“The growth of the Internet will slow drastically, as the flaw in ‘Metcalfe’s law’–which states that the number of potential connections in a network is proportional to the square of the number of participants–becomes apparent: most people have nothing to say to each other! By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet’s impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine’s.” (Damn! He’s good!)
One can only think of those decorated robots in their uniforms comically splashed with faux-military fruit salad, standing up there in Red Square all those years looking down on the proletariat. The intended message is always, “We are in power!” while secretly they know how genuinely useless they really are. “We are your sole source of truth,” declared their Kiwi Prime Minister counterpart. They are the only voices worth hearing lest they be exposed for the pompous mediocrities they all are. (See FAUCI and other “Experts”)
UPDATE 8/26/22; Michelle in 2024? Really? Hard to believe.
8/27/22: Like her sister-in-battle Hillary equally afflicted with PTO (post Trump obliteration), “gutsy” Liz isn’t going away just yet.
UPDATE 8/24/22: Perhaps the bitter Lizard’s Presidential delusions are an equal opposite reaction to the positive effect Trump and MAGA have had on our political lives and promises for the future of a truly republican GOP.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
UPDATE 8/29/22: What on earth has happened to Canada to appoint The Little Snot as its resident Dr. Kevorkian?