AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 4/6/22: Conformity is the curse of a society that thrives on freedom and genuine diversity. Totalitarian, one-size-fits-all rule has smothered us for two years, and the only rational goal is to return to the ideal normal of a bustling free market of ideas, goods, services and personalities.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
2000 MULES, documentary on stolen Election 2020, out the first week of May.
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 4/7/22: One must ponder the mindset of the gung-ho abortion set after reading this story and seeing pictures of a 1.5 lb preemie born nearly 3 months early, now doing fine at 7 months old.
UPDATE 4/7/22: Abortion remains the highest sacrament in the Leftist Church of Woke. The problem is the same as that posed to our newest SJW on the Supreme Court: “What’s life, you ask? Don’t know. Can’t say. I’m not a biologist/philosopher/human being.” Kinda puts former absolutes like the 10 Commandments on alert for re-interpretation & updating, doesn’t it?
UPDATE 4/4/22: A ChiCom invasion of Taiwan has become inevitable with a leaderless America. Reasons for defending that little island are coming into more urgent focus than ever.
UPDATE 4/6/22: How nice for the totalitarian-minded to have had such solid success totally controlling the world’s populations with Covid, and the Chinese are pulling it out once again in Shanghai.
Adding to the charm of the whole occasion are robot dogs roaming the streets barking orders to the citizenry to keep them disoriented and suitably intimidated. Washington is undoubtedly taking notes for when they need to create a crisis…say…around election time, perhaps?

UPDATE 4/7/22: Mask madness in a January, 2022 Denver incident as a gutsy father standing up for his son is harassed and assaulted by cops and school authorities carrying out the mask mandate orders from on high that makes them “Good Germans” of the American variety.
UPDATE 4/6/22: Vax madness reaches a new level as a Cleveland hospital refuses to allow an unvaxed father to donate a kidney to his son.
UPDATE 4/4/22: That the “vaccinations” themselves are making the population more vulnerable to problems is NOT what the Covideers want to hear. And it’s doubtful they’ll ever register what’s been done, even with 9 out of 10 Covid deaths in the UK being” vaxxed; and insurance companies report an unholy spike in mortality among the general population of the young and otherwise healthy. Some ‘splainin’ to do here, but those religiously invested in the vax cult are not about to admit they’ve been fools and purveyors of the worst sort of evil.
UPDATE 4/3/22: More reasons for vax skepticism now coming publicly to the fore. Remember the good old days when medical science involved intensive research and testing before trying things out on real humans?
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
UPDATE 4/7/22: Thanks to a trio of spiteful Republican Senators, a social justice activist with little use for Constitutional natural, God-given law and total allegiance to Leftist dogma has joined her two fellow female radicals to keep the Supreme Trio of Weird Sisters intact. Somehow we know already how she will always vote, and it will never be in support of objective reality and natural rights but based entirely on the notion of partiasan political activists like herself granting (or rescinding) basic rights to the Little People. If there is no definition of a woman (or anything else), the SJW just makes it up.
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 4/7/22: Whatever else might be worth learning about American interests and international affairs, we are digging our own grave by outsourcing energy production and most manufacturing to our sworn enemies. Think oil & gas from Iran & Russia; think all those MADE IN CHINA labels.
UPDATE 4/6/22: Former Australian PM Tony Abbott is one of the few present day statesmen worth listening to. His address praising Israel as an exemplary case of civilizational survival and warnings of totalitarianism’s progress in 2022 will be ignored at our own peril. In addition to taking in Abbott’s advice and minus a crystal ball, we also have the most reliable historians for reference. According to Clausewitz, the go-to guy for warfare scenarios, Putin may have short-sighted himself into his own political and literal grave.
UPDATE 4/6/22: Why limit yourself to identifying as Black when you’re White, female when you’re male, a dog when you’re a cat, etc etc etc? Welcome to Wonderland.

THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 4/8/22: With the convenient Covid “crisis,” we’ve learned in the last 2 years the calamitous results when the Left seizes full power of all levels of government. This is lost on brain-dead liberals still deluding themselves into thinking that they are voting for the “common man” Dem Party of FDR, HST and JFK.
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 4/6/22: Now why would Russian gangsters be funding the Green Energy scam in the West? For the same reasons, oxygen-starved, ultra-polluted China is laughing at the energy-starved West’s insistence on a Green revolution. So no surprise that communism’s two major epicenter’s are joining forces on behalf of “saving” mother earth, in the same spirit as Putin’s “saving” the Ukraine.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 4/9/22: A fitting name for our intrepid leader and his legacy: “Doomsday Joe.” If one thinks of BrandonWorld as a centipede, every action taken by this unthinkable monster is one of a hundred feet in America’s grave. Things are not going to improve as this pathetic front man is soon to be replaced. The same Doomsday agenda will remain as Obama’s third term; only the faces will change.
UPDATE 4/7/22: The Biden Crime Family is Corruption, 101, a politician taking money in exchange for special favors, aka pay to play. In this case, it’s influence over the President of the U.S. bought by the Chinese communists among other smaller but equally malevolent entities. It’s long past due for the Big Guy to sweat big time, but this will cease to matter when (not if) those really controlling the Dem Party are ready to jettison Joe anyhow.
UPDATE 4/4/22: Ok, one more time. Biden is the head of a crime family that has reaped $millions in blatantly illegal, immoral, treasonous deals with foreign operatives. But if the media deliberately don’t report it, it simply doesn’t exist in the minds of those robotically programmed to vote Dem…or of those RINOs who spitefully despise MAGA and the political maverick who created it.
UPDATE 4/6/22: With his mental incompetence too obvious to ignore and his usefulness now at zero, is Sleepy Joe bound for the glue factory? Kamala disappeared? Obama to go around the 22nd Amendment and officially make it a third term?
UPDATE 4/3/22: Why don’t the old rules about corruption apply to the Bidens and Clintons of this world?
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE 4/9/22: Always the fearless hero of his own fictional saga, Barack retroactively rewrites history to portray himself presciently leading the world in the fight to eradicate the evil Putin.