AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 4/2/22: What topic could be of greater interest to Americans than freedom and its history as a philosophical concept that evolved into glorious practice on these shores?
UPDATE 4/2/22: Among William F. Buckley’s greatest insights is his statement that “I’d rather trust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University.” Are we Normals a dying breed self-governed by our own common sense (rather than “experts?”) Or are we the re-emerging Silent Majority that will save America?
UPDATE 3/27/22: There are prescription drugs available to psychiatrists that break psychosis. We are long overdue for that dose of rationality that will relieve those still afflicted with severe symptoms of the CoronaCraze. We may just have to wait a spell, but this particular interruption in our free America lives must eventually be brought to a final, decisive halt.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
UPDATE 3/28/22: Is vindication for Fake Election, 2020 on the horizon?
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 3/30/22: The unthinkable but logical outcome of “abortion on demand” is legalized infanticide. As usual, California is leading the barbaric way down to hell.
UPDATE: THE most eligible, near-perfect conversative candidate for POTUS is now the star of a new music video, SWEET FLORIDA, going viral. Yee-haw!
UPDATE 4/2/22: Eric Adams, relatively new Mayor of Gotham, speaks with some authority when he calls crime-ridden New York a “laughingstock.”
UPDATE 4/2/22: Perhaps the worst nightmare and most insidious treat in the Woke Left’s bag of bad tricks for the future is officially government-sanctioned indoctrination of the young and innocent, beginning in kindergarten, with the glories of hyper sexuality and all the dozens of gender choices available to impressionable kids. The corporate behemoth bearing the great Walt Disney’s name has become the most vocal, enthusiastic entertainment giant to jump onto this stinking garbage barge.
UPDATE 4/2/22: Expansionist Beijing is already making its move and now controls the Pacific. How far behind can a Taiwan takeover be with the seismic implications of the ChiComs controlling the worldwide computer chip market?
UPDATE 4/2/22: Surprise! Booster #4 ready for roll=out!
UPDATE 3/27/22: When officialdom honors a doctor on one hand while simultaneously doing a criminal investigation into his worthy work on offering alternative treatments for The Virus, you have a mentally ill society. The good/bad deed in question is that terrible/wonderful remedy/horse dewormer Ivermectin.
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 4/1/22: The inspiring success of the Poles and their Solidarity movement that eradicated Communist rule 40 years ago remains an essential tutorial in overthrowing tyranny.
UPDATE 3/31/22: Foreign volunteers looking for derring-do romance, soldiers of fortune joining the Ukrainian Crusade, turn out to find things anything but romantic or even minimally worthwhile for anyone.
UPDATE 3/30/22: “Emboldened enemies, betrayed allies” sums up the Brandon Doctrine in 4 words. But don’t take our word for it. Ask Joe or any of his brain-dead faithful, and you’ll be informed that 2021 been the greatest year of any Presidency since Noah set sail in the ark.
Major suspicions should be aroused to find oneself allied with the Ukraine and, in so being, in bed with One World ghouls like Soros, Schwab, etc. At the same time, one needn’t be a Putin fan to recognize he is wrecking those Master Planners’ master plan of global domination . No wonder the anti-Putin meme has invaded the mushy brain of every virtue signaling Lib in the world.
UPDATE 3/27/22: Our greatest political journalist and commentator Victor Davis Hanson provides some clarity on the Russia/Ukraine conundrum.
Whatever is going on behind the prevalent narrative and why, Putin needs to get out of the Ukraine and let that country (and the rest of us) live and breathe again.
UPDATE 3/30/22: We live in the encroaching, dark Orwellian shadow of a post-truth world. Without objective reality, we are lost for keeps.
UPDATE 3/29/22: “Fat Studies” inspires world-class troller Steve Crowder to brave the higher levels of academic scholarship to present a paper for New Zealand’s Massey University entitled ““Embracing Fatness as Self-Care in the Era of Trump.” Today’s goof is tomorrow’s gospel truth. Stay ahead of the curve…or at least ahead of that beautiful, proud roll of FAT.
Steve Crowder goes undercover as Fat Studies scholar “Sea Matheson.” Irresistible! Like Twinkies!
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATES 3/29/22: Angst-ridden hysterics of all loony ages, from teener Greta to old hag Hanoi Jane, have found in “Climate Change” a permanent outlet for their uncontrolled urge to make pests of themselves. Even visiting the local pub these days, it’s hard to avoid possessed Linda Blairs vomiting up all shades of Woke pea GREEN soup.

ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
3/31/22: Will on Chris, Black on Black: The Slap heard ’round the ‘hood. What a admirable example for young Inner City Black men prone to assault & kill each other in vast numbers that continue to go studiously ignored by BLM and their fellow occupants of the worldwide Woke asylum. Leave it to the Babylon Bee to provide a solution to this dilemma.
UPDATE 3/28/22: Ketanji Brown Jackson’s ridiculous non-answers to all questions posed are both simple evasion and pandering to the Woke Left manipulators infesting our cultural narrative. Can’t risk offending all those 964 other possible genders with a straightforward answer about “What is a woman?” And certainly can’t pinpoint a real judicial point of view which is one of social engineering judging by her history. Meanwhile, she’s being sold as a pioneer and a genius when she’s just a cookie-cutter black lawyer marinated in Ivy League PC and served cold for immediate consumption.
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black Radical Chic division)
UPDATE 4/2/22: Gallant Will and his lady fair Jada are the epitome of Radical Chic, co-producers of a love letter documentary on communist murderess Angela Davis’ somewhat less-than-admirable life.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
UPDATE 4/1/22: If approved as a Supreme, SJW Ketanji may prove to be the worst of the rotating Weird Sisters act.
UPDATE 3/27/22: We will just have to gut it out for the next 3 years until the Democratic Party comes to its senses and puts up candidates that aren’t intent on destroying America and Israel. That depends upon Democrat voters themselves, and we wish them well in their recovery from the psychotic breakdown that inflicted anti-Semites Carter, the Clintons, Obama and now Biden on us.
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 4/2/22: Biden’s shameless exploitation of family misery specifically in pursuit of the Presidency goes back to his nauseating media appearances in 2015 peddling his dead son Beau’s name around in exchange for the sympathy vote. No surprise he still does it as his fortunes fail, and his Presidency turns to fresh dog droppings. It was only a matter of time until Joe and his lovely Dr. Jill would start monetizing Beau’s memory. After endlessly, shamelessly using it to raise political capital, it only makes sense to turn your dead son’s memory into hard cash which is precisely what the “Beau Biden Foundation” accomplishes. Like the Clintons’ own “charitable” endeavor, opening the books publicly on this “philanthropy” brings up the question, “Where has all the money gone?” The answer is, “Not to anything beneficial save into the pockets of the Bidens and their corrupt accomplices.”
UPDATE 4/1/22: Genuinely curious minds and those who pretend they see/hear nothing will soon be seeing/ hearing all about who “the Big Guy” is and all the $millions and $millions socked away in Delaware banks. They will also be hearing words like “biolabs,” “germ warfare” and “Ukraine” that will, at least for a moment, make us all forget about “Wuhan,” “gain of function” and “the good Dr. Fauci.”
UPDATE 3/28/22: The man who came into possession of Hunter’s laptop details in an interview how his life has been unjustly turned upside down and driven to the brink of ruin. Now that the powers-that-be have decreed through its NY Times mouthpiece that the Biden Crime Family just might be the real deal, perhaps he can get his life back. The bigger question is what happens to us when they junk Joe and Kacklin’ Kamala?
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)