AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 11/11/21: It’s becoming clear that parents will be at the forefront of moving America back to sanity. Force feeding CRT to the kids has only been the match lighting the prairie fire.
UPDATE 11/10/21: A heartening number of conservatives seeking public office are called “outsiders,” but their appeal is their insider cred with real Americans. We like them because they’re NOT “seasoned” (ie, “corrupted”) politicians. Trump has set the tone, and we can only wish for more, of him and those emulating him. Let’s hear it for genuine populism!
UPDATE 11/9/21: At last a bursting forth of alternatives to the MSM and Woke social media! RUMBLE has just moved to Florida from increasingly oppressive Canada and provides a platform for videos without censorship that now restricts YouTube posters. On the academic front, hearty welcome to the newly founded UNIVERSITY OF AUSTIN, an anti-Woke school-in-the-making already boasting a stellar faculty lineup: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Niall Ferguson, Bari Weiss, David Mamet…Class is in session!!
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 11/7/21: The worst attack on our republic since the Civil War, Pearl Harbor, 9/11 or the fall of Troy…and the worst charges filed are for “trespassing” and “parading?” Tucker Carlson’s documentary draws us closer to the likelihood of an FBI set-up, a false flag operation designed to legitimize the elimination of all political dissent. Meanwhile, hundreds stripped of their basic American right to a swift trial by jury rot away in an Dem Party-created American Gulag.
UPDATE 11/11/21: Undoubtedly the breast cancer diagnosis of DeSantis’ wife Casey will affect his political future. One can only hope for her sake and for the political promise he holds for conservatives that her recovery is swift and complete.
UPDATE 11/11/21: Not only a proven leader but a skilled politician as well as he complements his actions with a clear statement of his philosophy. “My job is to protect your individual freedom, not corporate freedom.”
For freedom lovers, the ideal scenario would be four more years of Trump’s scorched earth style to lay permanent waste to the the uncontrolled control freaks of the Brandon regime, begin rebuilding again from the damaged foundations, making way for the luxury of the younger, calmer DeSantis style. The balanced presence of decent Democrats led by Tulsi Gabbard would be the healthy, unifying factor for all Americans.
UPDATE 11/10/21: The social pressure to take the vaccine has never been about your health. It is about denying the superiority of natural immunity, going with the mob and, most to the point, about your submission to the CONTROL of self-appointed Master Planners acting as God in place of natural forces. Refusal to comply has become a crime against all humanity, and to hell with your individual rights and freedom.
UPDATE 11/10/21: No tyrant has ever been an effective totalitarian without the help of snitches and spies turning in the uncooperative among the ranks of THE CONTROLLED (that’s you & me). While Beloved Leaders and their ilk assert very visible MACRO control, little drones (eg, quislings, collaborators in WWII Europe) must continually do the MICRO dirty work behind the scenes. Ergo, “whistleblowers [playing a] key role in enforcing vaccine mandate” are prerequisite for any dictatorship.
UPDATE 11/9/21: Not a good optics week for the vaccine mandates fanatics if it proves true that CA Guv Newsom has been seriously felled by Guillain-Barre Syndrome in response to a booster shot just received last week. He hasn’t been seen in public since making a now-typically ostentatious show of getting his latest jab on October 27. [Oh, and an appearance at a wildly extravagant (and unmasked) Getty wedding in Frisco worthy of Marie-Antoinette!] Not wishing pain or harm on anyone, but if true, his blindly self-inflicted dilemma should provide one more well-deserved nail in the vaccine mandate coffin.
UPDATE 11/8/21: A FLA man on a viral video may not be a medical doctor nor does he claim to be, but can anyone dispute the accuracy of what he says about the danger of masks and the phony “vaccine?”
UPDATE 11/13/21: Linking the survival of freedom and America with the acceptance of cheap, easily available covid antidotes like HCQ and Ivermectin is not far-fetched when looking at the iron determination of the Brandon administration and its allies to seize absolute power on the pretext of a “pandemic.” The last thing our Elite superiors want to hear about are simple, legitimate solutions to ANY problem. And the first thing they want is that the masses of stupid individuals slavishly following and enabling them remain stupid.
UPDATE 11/14/21: We are living in a world upside down when a 18 year old young man (Kyle Rittenhouse) is considered guilty until proven innocent in the public forum for standing up to lawless thugs actively destroying private property and terrorizing anyone within sight during the Kenosha, Wisconsin riots in 2020. Overwhelming evidence obtained through sworn testimony demonstrates that this teenager, loaded gun in hand, acted quite rationally under life-threatening circumstances. Thanks to the Woke MSM and a certain amoral political candidate gleefully injecting race into the issue (all 3 of Rittenhouse’s “victims” were White), he has already been pronounced guilty by the usual suspects for having a gun, for defending himself at all, for being White. In a rational world, he would be walking free and deemed a hero for risking his life against violent criminals. Instead, he is on trial for his life, and every possible loophole and technicality is being explored by the prosecution to punish him for acting like an adult, American citizen.
UPDATE 11/11/21: For those of us living in this dismal present, it is cold comfort (but comfort nevertheless!) that history will vindicate determined opposition to the madness of the present. The truth means nothing to totalitarians and the irrational masses enabling them, but facts are stubborn things, things like a)the mass lockdowns have been incalculably worse than any “pandemic” blown out of proportion for purely political purposes; and b)that a politics based on freedom (capitalism) and NOT the Big Lie of “guaranteed” outcomes (leftism/communism/socialism) is the wellspring of true progress providing the most good for the most people. “The millstones of the gods grind late, but they grind fine.”
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 11/13/21: The determined FBI/DOJ jackboot assault on Project Veritas principals and the swift move to defame/cancel/destroy the truck driver who unseated a powerful NJ political kingpin are just two of this week’s reminders that we are now living in an increasingly Orwellian America. One more is the threat of American apartheid separating the holy “vaccinated” from the “unclean and dangerous” unjabbed. It remains to be seen which, if any, of these targets of Big Brother are able to withstand the onslaught.
UPDATE 11/9/21: Candace Owens says it in 5 cent words: we’re being “transformed” into a communist nation of faceless serfs under the total CONTROL of the State. Permanent crisis in the form of a “pandemic” has served to accomplish what “global warming” couldn’t, and we’re seeing the results in the blind obedience of formerly rational people. Nothing matters except “safety,” and only Big Brother can provide that. In the ice-cold words of the madwoman currently turning New Zealand into Orwell’s Oceania, “Dismiss anything else. We will continue to be your single source of truth.”
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic Party Majority
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 11/13/21: The term “Limousine Liberal” hardly suffices when confronted with the Glasgow Climate Circus of Woke billionaires and silly celeb Cassandras, flying in on $ billions worth of private jets in service to spending $ trillions of other people’s money on…the weather. Marie-Antoinette and her fantasy peasant village and costumed milkmaid get-up amount to hardly a tiny droplet compared to this tsunami of ridiculous hypocrisy. Such self-absorbed decadence and detachment got Her Majesty the guillotine. Just saying…
UPDATE 11/11/21: It’s one more notch in DeSantis belt to suggest busing illegals to Brandon’s Delaware doorstep, but that’s assuming our PINO (President In Name Only) has anything directly to do with enforcing the policies that have opened the borders wide and created every other disaster permanently attached to this administration. How about to the D.C. doorstep of his primary handler, a certain former POTUS and world class megalomaniac who admitted he’d love running his third term by whispering into the ear of a lifeless mannequin like Charlie McBiden?
UPDATE 11/11/21: Unfortunately, Davis remains one of those rotting leftovers from the 60s who’s managed to turn Marxist “anti-capitalism” into a distinctly capitalist cash cow and high profile influence for herself. Guilty as hell, free as a bird.
UPDATE 11/13/21: Kamala and Brandon make one long for the halcyon days of Jimmy Carter. Yes, it’s that bad. Looking on as bright a side as one can summon, it will be satisfying to watch this pair of plastic dolls inevitably disintegrate and disappear from public life. The down side of this bright side is what happens to America, Americans and the world relying on us in the interim.
UPDATE 11/13/21: In that hopefully not-so-faraway time when truth prevails and the guilty pay, Barack’s delicate fingerprints will be all over the ongoing effort to destroy Trump and the MAGA movement threatening The One’s Transformation legacy.