UPDATE 6/16/21: They’re coming for your children, but first they’re coming for you if you stand in the way. Sexualizing children is one more cultural …
Children of the Demmed:
Obamajugend and the Confessions of a Secret Totalitarian
Stop him and the whole new Children’s Crusade before you find yourselves banished to the cornfield. UPDATE 2/6/25: For those with an eye to …
Cult of Personality
For permanent infantile Obama (DemProg) Worship, invoke The Children.
UPDATE 12/15/21: The children of the Demmed include those millions of knee-jerk Leftists (and Liberals who vote for them) well over 21 whose collective …
They hate us, they really hate us. DemProgs’ ongoing war on America and her traditions.
UPDATE 5/1/18: Orwell’s Two Minutes Of Hate have nothing on this year’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner and “comic” funfest. UPDATE 4/7/18: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey …