UPDATE 9/3/24: Trans madness, absurdly declaring the binary concept of male & female “fluid” and a subjective matter, runs counter to any true sexual …
Drunk drivers kill more than shooters. Where’s the cry for bringing back Prohibition and banning autos?
UPDATE 3/15/18: Facing a few simple facts clarifies the gun issue, much to the dismay of the hysterical anti-NRA/Second Amendment crowd. UPDATE 2/23/18: Whole lotta …
Nunes & Co: Resisting the “anti-fascist” “Resistance”
It appears we are in the midst of what promises to be the biggest political scandal in our history. In pursuit of electing Hillary Clinton …
SOTU. Ye Olde Dem Party Company Store monopoly declares bankruptcy.
Remember Tennessee Ernie Ford’s lament “St. Peter, dontcha call me ’causeĀ I can’t go; I owe my soul to the Company Store”? Company stores were …