As if Israel doesn’t have enough problems surviving the permanent threat of extinction from its Muslim neighbors, she also must fight the poison of anti-capitalist (Marxist) forces …
PC Broadway eats its own.
UPDATE 8/2/17: It just gets loonier. Feel-good fools of the Great White Way grovel at the altar of Progressivism and PC. To keep a flagging …
Populism: Rallying the rabble!
The People rise up from both Left and Right…
What’s the difference? Is either really We The People?
Populists. The People’s Party. Which is to your taste? The choice has always been and continues to be: are We The People screaming for more entitlements, more …
Islamic Terror in Brussels: The West in denial
Belgium: land of moules frites, chocolate, 1000 beers, Bruges and Islamic terror. They-Muslims/Islamics/ Mohammedans-come to the West by the millions, soak the treasuries with full permission of …
Hobson’s Choice: Take it or leave it.
Hobson’s Choice: a choice of taking what is available or nothing at all. Nothing at all means Hillary Clinton. And what’s available on the horizon …
Politics & Strange Bedfellows?
Secret confab with Repubs and Crony Caps is an orgy!
The “progressively” more desperate Republican establishment and the cream of crony capitalism find Common Cause! Sailing in last weekend on private, carbon-spewing jets by the score, the …
The Master Planners Who Would Be God
UPDATE 1/16/25: Our free lives, our collective destiny must be one guided by faith in a Higher Power…or we are doomed to a dark future under …
America on the couch, and her shrink is a Progressive:
Big Gov cronies in the Social Sciences, psychology in particular
UPDATE 8/14/21: Yo! Liberal Democrats, claiming to be anti-Communists, American patriots, free individuals: follow those fancy degreed “experts,” follow the mob, follow, follow, follow, follow, …