UPDATE 10/9/15: One of the Christian men honored internationally for thwarting the recent Paris-bound train attack is a student at the obscure Oregon college where this shooter let loose. A coincidence? Not likely now since a second hero of the French attack has just been knifed on a California street. Again, don’t count on the media putting 2 & 2 together.
Facts are stubborn things, but CNN and the rest of those crafting the Leftwing narrative find them inconvenient. The Oregon shooter was Black and singly focused on killing Christians. The PC/Leftist playbook reads that he was supposed to be a Bible-thumping, White RightWing racist, preferably with a southern accent. Downright annoying.
There’s little one can do to thwart a madman intent on killing a lot of people. There even LESS one can do when schools, military installations, private homes operate as magnets to evil when they are proudly declared “Gun-Free Zones.” On the other hand, there’s an excellent chance lunatics will avoid a scenario where they might end up at room temperature before they get their “best shot” at the tabloid Big Time. For those Liberals proudly declaring that they have no intention of defending themselves, their families and property with a firearm, one advises the plaque below to hang prominently on their front doors. Then everyone, including their killers, robbers and rapists, might know how much nicer they are than the rest of us.
That plaque conveys the harsh, frightening reality better than anything else I’ve seen. Several months ago some local rag published the names and addresses of every gun owner in a downstate New York community. In their ideological, mindless pique they couldn’t grasp that they were putting every home without a gun at risk.