Echoing Hillary’s pandering comments about “mass incarceration,” a Progressive/Liberal/Leftist friend sadly sighs “we must have jobs” to solve the problem of overflowing prisons. Where does a job come from, I ask? Missing nary a beat, the serious topic seamlessly lapses into a complaint about the restaurant food she’s eating. Answering the question would require a closer look at where jobs do NOT come from, and that is permanent Welfare culture sapping the life and incentive out of any possible Inner City entrepreneurial/employment opportunities. Therein also lies the genesis of young urban Black criminals weaned on the poison of permanent dependency and the gangsta/drug culture cynically, deliberately peddled to them.
One grows suspect of the latest agitated chatter on the Left regarding private vs. public prisons. Not surprisingly, the narrative is that the entrepreneurs running private prisons are the new villains of the moment, not the Progressive, soul-sapping policies that create Inner City crime and keep the prisons overflowing. One points in vain to the dramatic NYC crime decrease of the Giuliani years now being systematically undone by the socialist deBlasio. Detroit or bust!! Or rather, Detroit AND Bust!
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