UPDATE 9/21/17: Naturally, the string of natural disasters decimating the Caribbean and some American shore points has the Global Warming Religionists chanting in tongues and bowing down to their graven idols. Perhaps their efforts would be better served by sending money and helping in some way to relieve the victims rather than dreaming up new political ways to enslave them and the rest of us.
The most ridiculous, most insidious scam of all continues apace. The sky’s still falling, the oceans are rising, and mankind’s to blame, specifically free market capitalism; and only Big Gov can fix it. Keep those dollars rolling in, turn those lives, liberties and all happy pursuits over to us, and we’ll take care of the rest. It used to be “There’s a broken heart for every light on Broadway.” Now, it’s “There’s a drowned polar bear every time you use the toaster.” Are you feeling guilty yet? Have you consulted a shrink?
But wait…Oh no! Not another indication that Global warming is just a lot of hot air!!?
The mind continues to reel at the level to which people are willing to abase themselves for The Cause, in this case, Global Warming/Cooling/Climate Change/Whatever. For amusement & wonder: a comprehensive archive of Global Warming nonsense going back more than a few years. Enjoy it while you can. Given the chance, our Betters will be turning off the lights and rationing the heating fuel to save you and the planet. Naturally, being God’s or Gaia’s Specially Appointed Protectors, they will not be doing without, in Cambridge, Martha’s Vineyard, the Hamptons, Palo Alto, Seattle, Hollywood, the Upper East Side, the fancy suburbs of DC. And why should they? They need to stay rich, fat and healthy to rule over the rest of us. It takes quite a carbon footprint to do that.
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