UPDATE 12/23/17: Preceding even LBJ’s placement of the Great Society dependency yoke on Blacks, the breakdown of the Black family can be traced back to Depression-era policies of social engineering. And the culprits were not exclusively Democrats. Bad ideas are devastating, regardless of who comes up with them.
The worst thing for the Racial Grievance lobby running amuck these days would be for young black men to be schooled in the basics of self-improvement applicable to anyone wanting to get ahead:

studying, working, playing by the rules, taking the normal knocks of life without resorting to a routine life of crime.
But that just doesn’t square with the abysmally low expectations white Liberals have of their lessers. No surprise the sneering contempt the criminal black community has for their lighter-skinned apologists. Those guilt-ridden fools prostrating themselves before the Jacksons/Sharptons, lionizing street punk Michael Brown and invoking “Ferguson” like “Remember The Alamo” still really believe they’re somehow exempt from the consequences of this manufactured, intentionally perpetuated Black Rage. We all know them: the soft-hearted friends & family who would feel guilty if a “person of color” rapes/robs/murders them; the ones who are absolutely sure the tumbrils will pass them by when the guillotines start falling. After all, they voted for The One and still proudly display the bumper stickers, even the signs in their yards.

Hero, Poster Boy, Martyr, Gentle Giant, dime-a-dozen thug knocking over a convenience store, terrorizing the East Indian store clerk…and not even considering for a moment that he might, just might, be headed for trouble.
And what about all those decent people in the black community who’ve done it the right way…and, for their trouble, have had their businesses destroyed. Who are the real victims of this prodded, planned rioting?
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It’s All The Latest Rage!”