If the goal is increasing prosperity for the poorer among us and NOT taxing the rich & successful, “well-intentioned” Leftists might consider lower taxes. But that would be “tax breaks for the rich!!!” [Oops, there they go again. Just can’t help themselves. Reflexively hating the rich much more than loving the poor.] Since Obama & Co. haven’t [yet] outlawed people moving to where jobs & potential prosperity are, people are doing just that. And for numbers, compare Maine & New Hampshire for two contrasting economic histories. Maine has penalized the private sector with high taxes, New Hampshire hasn’t. The coffee mug & tote bag for guessing which one has the higher per capita income and larger private sector. Thankfully for Maine, they now have a governor who understands Economics 101 and doesn’t waste his precious time reading the very silly Paul Krugman.
Dr. Sowell explains it for you.
Dr. Friedman patiently explains it for you.