Jerusalem! Jerusalem! Lift up your gates and sing!
Red States vs. Blue States: Goin’ where the jobs are…
IF the goal is an increasing prosperity for the poorer among us and NOT the taxing of the rich & successful….
Freeloader Fun!
No end to the free tax-funded goodies available for the price of a Democratic vote!
Redefining “Marriage”: Yet Another Orwellian Blur
Victimized-Group-Of-The-Week: it’s your money, your property, your choices, your individual souls too. Beware.
What’s up with
Israel/America-hating Obama
and his newfound love for Israel?
When Barack Obama suddenly starts telling Israel “we have your back,” you know Israel should watch its back.
Woonsocket: A Basic Lesson in Obamanomics
The fate awaiting the rest of America if Obama has his way.
Deceiver In Chief
If he loved his country he wouldn’t be wanting to “fundamentally transform” it.
America’s Pastime then…and now.
Baseball has never been lily-white, pure or simple. Neither have any of us. But like many things American, something profound has shifted.