UPDATE 5/28/22: There’s no crisis prominent Far Leftist Dems won’t exploit, and real victims of evil are just grist for their self-aggrandizing mill. Obama, Biden and O’Rourke are the latest cases in point.
UPDATE 2/5/22: Not a lot of uproar from the Left over GoFundMe’s selective altruism, stealing $10 million donated to the Truckers’ Convoy and stating their intention not to refund the money but to force diversion to charities unconnected to the Truckers’ cause. Thankfully, there is sure to be some serious backtracking on the part of GoFundMe as they are called out on fraudulent appropriation of funds.
ORIGINAL POST 2/11/13: “Imaginary Violence from the Right vs. Actual Violence from the Left.” With very few exceptions, tyrannical political force and random attacks from madmen nowadays comes from the Left, all in the noble name of (enforced) “equality.” Even egghead Liberals too ignorant & terrified of handling a gun or even wielding a knife or lead pipe can rationalize violence and force in service to their beloved Religion of Redistribution. Noble Marxist Revolutionary ends seem to justify any means (up-to-the-minute examples being legion). Reflexively blame Righty all you like, but these days, Lefty’s got the bloody hands and smoking guns.