Encapsulated in current events, everything that’s wrong with unionism: boundless greed, corruption the Mafia would envy, arm-breaking extortionist tactics on its own members and anyone standing in their way, shameless political cronyism- blackmail, violence, bullying, rioting, murder. Did we mention Unaffordability?
Yes, people need to make a decent living, but when does reasonable pay for work done become a ransom? When does a taxpayer-funded job become a cradle-to-grave trust fund?
Love the last sentence. It has been a long time coming but just maybe the public sector unions are finally going to get their comuppance.
Yes. Mass freeloading off the U.S. Treasury, destroying and defiling honorable businesses and professions, terrorizing their own members and the public, inciting to riot? All fairly objectionable… but scuttling the NFL season?!! Foul! Over The Line! Outrage! Joking aside, the current Front & Center transparency of Union m.o. is a gift.