Eminent Hypocrisy

In a June 26 editorial entitled ‘Responsible Use of Eminent Domain,’ the New York Times displays what can only be described as the ultimate in hypocritical chutzpah as it attempts to justify its own nefarious land—grab made under the guise of the principle of eminent domain.

A Supreme Court decision last year on eminent domain caused many people to overreact, most of all Congress. The House of Representatives passed a troubling bill that would severely limit local governments’ ability to clean up blighted areas and promote responsible development. The Senate, which has yet to act, should take a more moderate approach.

Time to Tackle Right to Work

The 2010 landslide means that Republicans in the House can stop any new legislative initiatives by the Democrats and that Senate Republicans, if united, can stop almost anything Democrats want to do in that body as well. House Republicans can also send to the Senate bills that will put political pressure on Obama and Senate Democrats, like a complete extension of the Bush tax cuts. But at the federal level, Republicans cannot actually do anything without Democrats caving in.

Moderate Muslims?

Every time anything even marginally critical of Muslims or Islam appears in the media apologists, Muslim or otherwise, respond by saying ‘moderate voices must be heard’ or ‘misconceptions about Islam are widespread’ or ‘Islam is really a religion of peace and tolerance’ or other such platitudes.

The Odyssey of Islamism in America

Islamism is a mutation of Islam and is rapidly advancing on two fronts. In every Islamic country, it is cowing the non-radicals while recruiting more and more radicals into its ranks. In non-Muslim lands, flush with petrodollars, Islamism is establishing itself as a formidable force by enlisting the disaffected and attracting the delusional liberals with its promises. For the faithful, there is the added incentive of Allah’s heaven and its irresistible attractions.

Thank You, Lord Barack, for the Great Awakening

It is time to thank Barack Obama — or Lord Barack, as our media elites might prefer, having declared him a “sort of God.” He said memorably in April that the Tea Partiers “should be saying thank you” for the great job he’s been doing. And now, as Election Day approaches, vast swathes of the country are ready to give him the acknowledgment he seeks. Thank you, Mr. President, for giving back our country.

Health 101: How We Lowered Our Costs

I just got my health insurance renewal premium for 2011, and our family’s cost went down 19 percent. Yes, down! — and all because we did the opposite of ObamaCare for our family.

Now I am not an Ivy League grad; nonetheless, I figured out how to dramatically lower my health care costs two years in a row. And by costs, I mean both insurance premiums and overall expenditures for health care — without sacrificing anything.

Vivian Schiller and the Party Line at NPR

The Juan Williams/NPR flap isn’t going away — and shouldn’t. Basically, Williams was fired for not toeing the party line at NPR. A number of observers, including Williams himself, are protesting the hypocrisy of NPR not dismissing the likes of Nina Totenberg for wishing AIDS upon the family of the late Jesse Helms. Of course, that’s no surprise. Totenberg’s hate speech doesn’t qualify as hate speech in the liberal lexicon. Totenberg toes the party line at NPR. She’s a good apparatchik, safe among the party hierarchy.

NPR Lashes Juan Williams

When escaped slaves were caught, they were lashed into submission. This was intended not only as a warning to that particular slave, but to the entire plantation of black servants to stay in their place. Liberals do the psychological equivalent of this to any black person who dares to leave the plantation of liberal orthodoxy. After working over a decade for liberal National Public Radio, Juan Williams was summarily fired, publically ridiculed and told to see a psychiatrist.

The Grudge: Barry Soetoro’s Indonesian Expatriate Hell

Where did Barack Obama acquire the self-evident disdain he has for major corporations, especially oil companies, and for the striving classes who have made America prosperous and strong? Many conservatives have noted Barack Obama’s class envy, expressed both in his and his bride’s resentment over their education debts and desire to live large in the White House, and in his intent, expressed to Joe the Plumber, to “spread the wealth around.”