Socialist or Fascist?

It bothers me a little when conservatives call Barack Obama a “socialist.” He certainly is an enemy of the free market, and wants politicians and bureaucrats to make the fundamental decisions about the economy. But that does not mean that he wants government ownership of the means of production, which has long been a standard definition of socialism.

Thomas Sowell

6 Jun 2012
The Real ‘War on Women’
Among the people who are disappointed with President Obama, none has more reason to be disappointed than … Read More.

5 Jun 2012
Playing With Words
Would anyone work to support themselves or their families — and then turn over a chunk of that hard-… Read More.

31 May 2012
Holder’s Chutzpah
Attorney General Eric Holder recently told a group of black clergymen that the right to vote was being … Read More.

Socialist or Fascist?


It bothers me a little when conservatives call Barack Obama a “socialist.” He certainly is an enemy of the free market, and wants politicians and bureaucrats to make the fundamental decisions about the economy. But that does not mean that he wants government ownership of the means of production, which has long been a standard definition of socialism.
Repeal ObamaCare & Save American Healthcare

Whether ObamaCare is struck down in the Supreme Court or legislatively in 2012, we must lay “the political and intellectual groundwork” for what is to replace this government takeover of healthcare and with it one sixth of the private sector economy. Failure to deliver a clear message as to the possibilities for constructive change will result in more of the same Federal Government and bureaucratic distortions of the healthcare system.

President Obama Shuns Lech Walesa

Lech Walesa was once a trade-union activist. He was often arrested for speaking his mind against Communist oppression behind the Iron Curtain in Poland and for defying the Soviet Union. He was an electrician who, with no higher education, led one of the most profound freedom movements of the 20th century — Solidarity. He became president of Poland and swept in reforms, pushing the Soviet Union out of his homeland and moving the country toward a free-market economy and individual liberty. And President Obama doesn’t want him to set foot in the White House.

Dreams From My Real Father

Now that it has been established that a candidate’s teenage years help define the man to come, it might be time to take a new look at the adolescent Obama and his then-mentor, the late Frank Marshall Davis.

I would guess that not one Obama voter out of one hundred could identify Davis by name, and I doubt if one media person out of a thousand has read his memoir, Livin’ the Blues. This is unfortunate on any number of levels. For one, Davis’s book captures the ebb and flow of 20th-century black American life as well as any ever written.

Gay Creeps, Black Thugs, and Horrible Women: The Left’s Idea of Tolerance

When homosexual bully Dan Savage unleashed a foul-mouthed tirade against the religious beliefs of a group of teenagers at the National High School Journalism Convention in Seattle last month, he exposed the lie behind the Left’s idea of tolerance. Savage used obscenities to describe passages in the Bible he disliked and displayed either ignorance or dishonesty in talking about the role of Christianity in advancing the cause of freedom. Then, with what would be creepy bad manners in any adult talking to young people, he called students “pansy-assed” for walking out on him. The so-called anti-bullying activist’s use of such sexually loaded language, and his frequent accusations that his opponents are secretly gay, bespeaks a deep level of self-hatred (why else would he think calling someone gay is an insult?); and the fact that he venomously attacks Christians and is never seen standing up in front of Muslims to curse out the Koran suggests that, like most bullies, he’s a coward as well.