
UPDATE 5/9/21: The calm, clear-headed Jordan Peterson prevails through hysterical Cancel Culture and his own personal demons. One good reason: he won’t apologize for stating his piece. 

UPDATE 2/7/21: Peterson’s painful illnesses of the last couple of years proves to be a source of deceitful glee among those red-flagged by his politically incorrect rationality…and his immense popularity.

jordan-peterson ill

ORIGINAL POST 7/1/18: In the wake of the Left’s mass psychosis last week (The Children! Maxine “Cause a Crowd!” Waters, Supreme Court panic!) , a little sanity, reason, sober reflection on facts and objective reality (all mixed with humor) is a welcome luxury. Jordan Peterson has emerged as a media star who makes big sense as only certain calm, cleared-headed depressives often do (Lincoln, Mark Twain, Churchill among many notables suffering The Black Dog).

He is the welcome philosopher at the lectern to Trump’s firebrand on the stump, Bing Crosby to Donald’s Elvis. Shake, rattle & roll or buh-buh-buh-buh, Conservatives have taken to Peterson (though he characterizes himself as a   classic British Liberal”) and his refreshing, thoughtful take on almost any issue posed. And to think that all this well-deserved acclaim began with a few insane pronouns.

Invariably, the Left comes out the loser as his prolific YouTube portfolio attests. Check him out  and be comforted that civilized humans are more drawn to reason and facts than the senseless ravings of developmentally challenged movies stars and worse-than-useless political demagogues. For a satisfyingly adult approach to serious matters, it is easy to recommend Jordan Peterson.


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